Parent's Corner
Keeping Our Parents Connected
We’ve created a Parent's Corner to help DCA families feel more connected. We will share resources, expert advice and tips on all things parenting. We know you’ll love being part of the DCA Parent's Corner!
As a DCA parent, you play a huge role in how your child does at our school, and we are eager to work with you to help your child get all he or she can out of these important early years. We always welcome parent communication and input. Parents are welcome to come and visit us anytime, as we honor our open door policy. Please feel free to contact us at any time with any questions and concerns you may have.
DeSoto Children’s Academy (DCA) provides a quality of care and education to all families without discrimination. We create and maintain a safe, supportive and nurturing environment, which promotes each child’s emotional and physical well-being.
Open communication between staff, parents and children is critical to providing quality childcare. Please feel free to discuss any concerns or questions with us. If there are any changes to these policies, parents will be notified in writing and this policy document will be amended to reflect the change.

Child Nutrition
DCA participates and is in good standing with Child Adult Care Food Program (CACFP). For children able to eat table food, the center will provide breakfast, morning and afternoon snack and lunch.
An alternate snack is provided for children with allergies. However, copies of any restricted diet, approved by the child's physician, must be on file at the center.
All meals prepared by our staff are cooked to standards required by Desoto Health Department.

DCA Online Store
School Uniforms
From the time your student reaches our Preschool program, the children wear uniforms each day. The uniform policy is observed in our Preschool and Pre-Kindergarten classes.
Girls: DCA shirt worn with NAVY BLUE jumper, skirt, skort, shorts or pants.
Boys: DCA shirt worn with NAVY BLUE pants or shorts.
Please refer to our detailed uniform policy (included in your child’s enrollment packet) for additional requirements.

Daily Events & Activities
We design our programs to offer a caring and stimulating environment designed to meet the individual needs of each child. Personalized schedules, feeding times and daily documentation help each child to develop at their own pace.
Time is spent both indoors and outside and children are encouraged to explore their world in a safe and loving environment. Daily activities, crafts, songs, games and age-appropriate educational toys all combine to provide the perfect atmosphere for growing minds and bodies.

Physical Health
Children 2 years and under are required to have 60 minutes of physical activity per day. Children 3 and above are required to have 90 minutes of physical activity per day.
We incorporate physical activity into our time before classes begin, during curriculum time and outside time.

Health & Wellness
Maintaining good hygiene in child care center is necessary. With so many young kids in proximity, the risk of cross infection between children is high. The staff at DCA works to educate the children about proper hygiene habits such as handwashing, while also practicing safe health protocols to demonstrate the Center’s commitment to the safety of the children.
This includes proper diaper changing and disposal as well as adopting a rigorous cleaning and sanitization program, which is scheduled and documented.

Childcare Assistance
Childcare subsidy is a program that helps ease the cost of childcare to eligible families. This is beneficial to those families who would like to send their children off to daycare but can’t seem to find the means to do so.
Contact your local or regional office for more information and to apply.

Family Support
Resources are available to families in the De Soto and surrounding communities.
DeSoto Action Center • 972-274-CITY
Provide information regarding DeSoto city services
DeSoto Outreach Center • 972-223-2066
Provides charitable services to those in need
DeSoto Food Pantry • 972-223-4050
Donates food and other staples to families
Brighter Tomorrows, Grand Prairie, TX 972-262-8383 - Domestic Violence Shelter
Breast-Feeding Resource: Texas WIC
Resource list is available for review at the DCA front desk.